Broken Pieces

Jack Canon's American Destiny

My 5 Favorite Books by Susan Russo Anderson

Monday, April 1, 2013

My 5 Favorite Books
by Susan Russo Anderson 

There's something sinister about lists. That said, I did love the recent article in The Guardian listing the 50 key moments in English Literature from Marlowe to JK Rowling.  Not that I agreed with their list, but it was food for me and got me thinking about my key everythings—key movies and books in my life, key teachers, milestone moments, the birth of a child, moves to different cities, different jobs.
The list would be long and a little bit like navel gazing, the milestone chart filled with little points on a line stretching a long way. But as I think on it, there are a bunch of novels that have shaped my thinking. And these are my all-time top five:
  1. T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
  2. James Joyce, Ulysses
  3. James Joyce, Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man
  4. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
  5. William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom!
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Historical Mystery
Rating – PG13
More details about the author & the book
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